How to Freeze Fast motion 'HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY'

Wednesday 6 June 2012

spalshing of water-high speed photography
water splashing from balloons 
High Speed Photography is the way of capturing Photos  that occur too fast to be seen by the human eye.There are some great examples like SPLASHING OF WATER,ROCKET LUNCHING,A BULLET HITTING AN ORANGE,A GLASS OF MILK DROPPED IN GROUND,A TOMATO HITTING ON WALL etc.There are many ways to shot High Speed Photography, one of them is using ultra fast shutter speed and another way to shot is is to use burst mode.

glass break high speed photography
glass break high speed photography
  • To photographs HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY You will need to do these following things : You ll need a camera that enable manual control or manual settings on ISO, SHUTTER SPEED, APERTURE to match with the settings of your Flash or Speed light.I recommend you to not to use any POINT AND SHOOT because of the limitations in the manual settings. 
rocket launch high speed photography
rocket launch high speed photography
  • Next thing you will need is an External Flash or Speed Light.The Flash or Speed Light will help you easily achieve a High Speed Photograph because Flash stops the motion.
splashing of colors-high speed photography
splashing of colors high speed photography
  • Finally You will need a subject to shot your Photographs,the photographs which i used to describe this article will help you to shot HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY.You can follow these photographs or you can use your Own creativity. 

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