How to Photograph Fireworks Shows

Thursday 19 July 2012

Fireworks displays or Fireworks shows are the display of the effect created by Fireworks.Beginners many times you want to shoot or photograph beautiful Fireworks shows but due to lack of knowledge  and experience you couldn't.No need to be panic here I'm going to tell you some basic and quick tips to photograph beautiful Fireworks Shows.

Here you can follow these Basic Quick 10 tips to photograph Fireworks display or Fireworks Shows.


The most important thing is to secure your Digital Camera doesn't move or shake during taking of photographs , in this case you should use a TRIPOD this is the best way to keep your camera still.Because in Such case (fireworks shows) we have to use longer shutter Speed which will not capture the movement of the fireworks its also capture the movement of your Camera, in result a blurry picture you get so first recommendation to get a beautiful fireworks photograph USE A TRIPOD.


vertical framing
After safely placed Your camera you need to Framing The Shot which you will going to capture. This is the most Important and difficult part of your Fireworks Photography is working out "where to aim your camera".In such type of case Planning is important with fireworks displays and getting into the perfect location early to get your good shot.Think about what is in the foreground and background of your shots and make sure you won’t have people’s heads bobbing up into your shots.

horizontal framing
As Fireworks Displays are in Vertical motion my opinion is set your framing in vertical (in portrait  mode) or you can try in horizontal (in landscape mode ) but among in these two framing vertical (portrait mode ) is better to frame your shot.One important thing that you should always consider when lining up fireworks shots is whether your camera is straight in framing or not(if u r going to shot in wide focal length).


tightly cropped firework shot
Photographing fireworks is having your camera trained on the right part of the sky at the right time.This is especially difficult if you are shooting in longer focal length and trying to get more tightly cropped shots.Zoomed in shots enable you to fill the frame with good color.Cropping of your wider angle shots can always give good impact in your photography skill.


A common question in Photographing Fireworks "what aperture we need to shot" - in this such cases you need to set your Aperture priority is around to shoot in between f/8 to f/16.


Fireworks move and as a result the best photographs of them capture this movement meaning you need a nice long exposure.Shutter speed is more important than Aperture.You can also experiment with set shutter speeds to see what impact it will have but I find that unless you’re holding the shutter open for very long exposures.You need long shutter speeds 2 to 3 sec or longer and possibly up to 15 seconds or more.

The higher ISO , there is more sensitive your camera is to light.So you need to use a higher ISO in dark settings, but when you’re shooting longer exposures (long shutter speeds) high ISO can introduce a lot of digital noise to your photograph. An ISO setting of 50-100 is a good to get a better shot.

Keep in your mind that your camera flash is only have to reach of for few meters and in the case of Firework shows even if they were this close a flash wouldn’t really have anything to light except for some smoke which would distract from the real action (the flashing lights).Turn off your flash.


To get control above all the setting in your camera like SHUTTER SPEED,APERTURE,ISO you need to switch your setting to manual mode in your digital/slr camera.By doing this you can get your good Shot.If you are using a point and shoot camera then u need to switch your firework mode many of point and shoot camera have this facility.

If your camera has it, this setting will help get rid of any digital noise created by your long exposures, even with a low ISO. Note: some cameras will take several seconds to eliminate noise after a shot is taken, preventing you from taking another photograph immediately.


Try to shoot lots of pictures because it ll going help you to choose your best shoot among those tons of photographs and also you can delete your bad shoots and be creative in mind to shoot beautiful fireworks pictures .


Quick Tips for Street Photography for Beginners

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Beginners if you did not know how to shoot or photographs STREET PHOTOGRAPHY then just don't worry , here I'm going to tell you some basic idea or tips to handle such type of problem in STREET PHOTOGRAPHY.

street photography

  • First of all you don't need to carry too much equipments and expensive gears.It will make you more comfortable and you can roam around the street for your best shoot.
  • Take photos by without knowing that you are taking photos of that particular subject/people.It will make your photo realistic.
  • Catch the stolen moments (ex: kissing,hugging,crying,smiling face,begging etc etc) .  
  • True colors are even more better than black and white photographs , so you can take pictures in true color as well as in black and white . It will give life to Street Photographs.
  • In the Background – what’s going on behind your subject can actually ‘make’ the shot. Billboards, signs, graffiti and other visual elements can really make a statement in a shot.
  • You don't just hold your camera horizontally dare to go for a diagonal ,experiment with your angle.
  • A POWERFUL SHOT-   Shots which are challenge the Composition Rule and story/subject can also be powerful.
  • street performers, parades and other street entertainment can be great subject matter on the street. 
  • You can go for place where people r gather like zoos, fairs, shows, parks, sporting events etc.
  • Can also try FREEZE MOTION SHOTS the street is a place of movement – to capture it and still get sharp shots make sure your shutter speed is fast enough. 1/125 or more with an ISO of 400 is what this article recommended as a base. I also think it can be fun to experiment with slower shutter speeds on the street – capture the movement as blur.
  • ONE Important thing let me tell you about this - people can be suspicious of street photographers so shoot in places where people expect to see people doing photography. Smile, be polite and be willing to delete images if people protest.
And last its all about location chose a proper location where people are gather and Practice makes perfect by day passing n by your practice you can be a good STREET PHOTOGRAPHER .
people street photography
photography by nikhil

Learning The Basic Exposure in DIGITAL Photography

Thursday 14 June 2012

Exposure: The Basic Idea for Digital Photography

EXPOSURE means the amount of light entering into the SENSOR  of a camera.The more light entering to sensor is the result of more brighter in picture , similarly less light entering to sensor is the result of more darker in Picture.

How much light is let into your sensor is only the function of shutter speed and aperture.The shutter speed is commonly expressed as in fraction of second like 1/250, 1/30, 1/1600 etc.Exactly Shutter speed known as the amount of time the shutter opens to let light in.
Since the number is expressed as fraction, the smaller the denominator , the longer the exposure. For example, 1/300th of a second is a much shorter amount of time than 1/25th of a second. Consequently, a shutter speed of 1/300th of a second will let in much less light into sensor and produce a much darker image than a shutter speed of 1/25th of a second. Also note that the longer the exposure, the blurrier any action in the photo will become.

And the aperture is commonly expressed as in f-stop like f-stop/1, f-stop/2, f-stop/3.5, f-stop/4.6, f-stop/5 etc.Behind the lens is an adjustable opening called the aperture, through which the light passes on its way to the film. The F stop is a measure of the size of this opening.The smaller the number associated with the denominator of the focal length, the greater the size of the hole, which means more light entering the camera and consequently a brighter picture.

exposure triangle

Finally don't forget about your ISO setting in camera.ISO setting is also affect the brightness of the picture in accordance  with the quality of picture as ISO increases so does color noise, which really brings down the quality of the photo.

The theory or the concept about BASIC EXPOSURE in digital photography is getting perfect exposure or perfect light while shooting photographs.The perfect Exposure is nothing more than the combination of perfect shutter speed , perfect aperture , predetermined ‘ISO’ working together.My point is clear that "to get perfectly exposed picture" a photographer must have to balance and coordinate three things: film speed(ISO), shutter speed and f stop(aperture).

perfect exposure photography
An example of perfectly exposed image

How to become a professional in Macro Photography

Thursday 7 June 2012

macro photography of nature
Macro Photography By MagdalenaWasiczek


Macro Photography is means taking photographs of small things or tiny subjects such as insects, water droplets,spider web,etc etc. In photography point of view 'MACRO’ refers to the magnification of the subjects into life-sized images in the film plane or digital sensor, which has little to do with how close the camera is to the subjects.

Close-up Photography is also known as Macro photography

For Good Macro photographs you need a good Macro lens or a Dedicated Macro lens or you can switch your macro settings in your DSLR,POINT N SHOOT cameras.A dedicated macro lens which can capture image magnification at 1:1 ratio. However, macro lenses are quite costly and not everyone will have this specialty lens as part of their camera gear. It doesn’t mean that you can no longer take gorgeous macro-like pictures with your point-and-shoot or DSLR that has a standard lens.

water droplet macro photography
Beautiful water droplet on a leaf 
One of the best and most thing you will be notice that as you take macro pictures is that the images you capture show such large amounts of detail that you normally would not notice. Macro Photography brings our attention to such tiny tiny details that are easily overlooked because they are so small subject. Like fascinating lines,detail view of eyes, shapes, colors, patterns, forms and textures suddenly appear and are appreciated for their beauty.

macro photography of eye
A beautiful eye macro photography 
Nature is the best Subject To Photographs your Macro Shots

insect macro photography
beautiful insect macro by filan 

beautiful insect macro by filan 

You can start your macro photography as taking subject to Nature because nature gives us the real beauty and there are too many kind of tiny beauties are present in nature like Insects and creepy crawlies, leaves and flowers.Flowers and bugs are often colorful and full of intricate details that make them fun and rewarding subjects to shoot.

The Basic Compositional Rules You need 

You are taking close-up photographs or macro photographs with a dedicated macro lens or with a digital camera having macro/close-up shot facilities that does not mean that you are not required any COMPOSITIONAL rule or THE RULE OF THIRD.The Rule of Thirds, balance, leading lines, and perspective still apply, and will certainly add visual impact to your images. Also, don’t be afraid to experiment with macro photography during post-processing.

How to Freeze Fast motion 'HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY'

Wednesday 6 June 2012

spalshing of water-high speed photography
water splashing from balloons 
High Speed Photography is the way of capturing Photos  that occur too fast to be seen by the human eye.There are some great examples like SPLASHING OF WATER,ROCKET LUNCHING,A BULLET HITTING AN ORANGE,A GLASS OF MILK DROPPED IN GROUND,A TOMATO HITTING ON WALL etc.There are many ways to shot High Speed Photography, one of them is using ultra fast shutter speed and another way to shot is is to use burst mode.

glass break high speed photography
glass break high speed photography
  • To photographs HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY You will need to do these following things : You ll need a camera that enable manual control or manual settings on ISO, SHUTTER SPEED, APERTURE to match with the settings of your Flash or Speed light.I recommend you to not to use any POINT AND SHOOT because of the limitations in the manual settings. 
rocket launch high speed photography
rocket launch high speed photography
  • Next thing you will need is an External Flash or Speed Light.The Flash or Speed Light will help you easily achieve a High Speed Photograph because Flash stops the motion.
splashing of colors-high speed photography
splashing of colors high speed photography
  • Finally You will need a subject to shot your Photographs,the photographs which i used to describe this article will help you to shot HIGH SPEED PHOTOGRAPHY.You can follow these photographs or you can use your Own creativity. 
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